Friday, February 15, 2008

Do kids need life insurance ?

I was reading an article this morning about life insurance and kids and was wondering what the community take on this is. The article is of the opinion that life insurance is not a good investment on kids but I have heard others say it was a good idea. Is it a waste of money. Would the money you spend be better invested elsewhere? Here is a quote from the author of this article on yahoo: : Question: I received an offer in the mail to buy a life insurance policy for my 18-month old daughter for a small monthly premium. As I understand it, the policy would not only build cash value, but double the amount of insurance coverage when my daughter turns 21. Do you think this is a good plan to build for my daughter's financial future or is there a better way? -- R.K. Answer: Let me put it this way. I think almost anything you would do with your money, outside of buying lottery tickets or playing the ponies, would be better than sinking it into a life insurance policy for your daughter.

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