Saturday, March 29, 2008

Did I mess up with my auto accident treatment?

Back in October I was the 4th car hit in a 5 vehicle accident over 1 hr from home. Immediately I had whiplash symptoms (very sore neck, headache). The next couple days got even worse. I refused treatment on the spot because I was heading home from a weekend workshop and it was my son's birthday. I talked to the police, the responsible party's insurance co, and even some of the other insurance co's when they called me. I had told all I was injured and that I would seek treatment. The responsible party was underinsured, so I contacted my own co and decided to use the pip for my injuries. But I really didn't understand it. They had made it clear that they couldn't guarantee it would not raise my insurance rates, although they said it very well may not. I did some research and found that was true for TX. With that, I went to a chiropractor recommended by a colleague. This place was different than others I have been to. The chiro gave me some paperwork and told me to get some xrays done. I was going in to see her 3 times/week. What with the accident and other things going on in our lives (including my husband's health issues) I completely forgot to do the xrays and she never reminded me, never mentioned them again. After about 10 visits I quit going to see her. I did feel so much better finally and was also worried. I knew my pip covered only up to $1500 and I thought we were about there. I was afraid to go over. Also, I ended up with a lot of anxiety about our insurance rates going up, and that was a huge influence on my not going anymore. It turned out that all that was billed and paid by my ins was $960. Then my insurance closed the claim, when I told them that I was feeling better, just some residual soreness now and then. They said that usually for soft tissue injury there are more visits. I said that I could resume them. She said that after a lapse (this was back in Dec, so only a month or so after I stopped going) the ins co may not pay for the treatments. So I decided not to do it. Anyways, I called the other day to see about negotiating a settlement, since right after the accident the responsible party's rep told me to do this when my treatment was done/I was ready. I realize it won't be a lot, but something. But then it finally popped back into my head about the x-rays. So I am just wondering if I will be able to get any settlement if x-rays weren't done. I would think so, just because many companies out there actually try to settle before a person even gets any treatment or care at all, even before x-rays are done. But then again, now after the fact, the ball is more in their court because they know what you have done and can see how limited it is if you have only had x amount of treatments, etc... So I am just wondering if anybody has any advice or ideas about this? I don't need to hear that I handled it badly. I already know it could be better. I can't go back and change the past. I should have been more proactive. I am not used to such a laid back chiropractor. I have always had my x-rays done on site and usually they remind you when they don't see them. Also, the anxiety I had about the insurance going up may have been silly, but legit, when they couldn't guarantee me it wouldn't happen. I don't want my rates to go up when the accident wasn't my fault! But I still think I should get something for my suffering and when my pip paid almost $1000. Thanks!

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